Which is the standard format and it works great for other use but All cloud and hosting providers need something like this for public key: ssh-rsa XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX= PSrdMeH+0eJfqckM8pJ99F/kfKWcGtk6l1AJX511xsPLDTHxaP/ry8zlaAJ1vH9o HPAHGiQTR1xZ/jlohFMIH1cGCBVC4kuaEtUi3Qer9wzuvh376RQPnKD0jJgraiDM KnAd2qz34yBzG4pJ5/tLux1yX5k45BPTcTHfZGmFlAxsSNTZVh5Zh9KYUpsklKOWĢPb5gwlMvweIoqf0lqrNqX8agDWzAn4bRbW8ZeNKUuNuccx4PlFwMg4lEcPypcCL
MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuefPvX5Bih6GYbr1eTNfįa++DvhHg4nxcXZAor7gNEM1+XPY2wxG2r2g/Jub6OWHd8GDAf6SBCCld+alC9WS The output is something like this: -BEGIN PUBLIC KEY. $ openssl genrsa -out private.pem -passout file:password.txt 2048Īfter Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus, then $ openssl rsa -in private.pem -passin file:password.txt -pubout -out public.pem I am trying to generate a secure private and public key with openssl for use with my cloud hosting provider but when I did that the public key output from openssl was not recognized.